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Dyslexia Books and Supplies

shaywitz book image



Overcoming Dyslexia is a wonderful and highly informative book on everything from the history of Dyslexia to research done and the many solutions available! 

Sally Shaywitz deserves a medal for this amazing book. 


You can find the audio version for purchase on Audible, as well as checking out your local library.  Also on Amazon.

I highly recommend.

Franklin Spell Checker

The Franklin Spellchecker is a handy tool that we use in Barton beginning in Book 4.  Aside from being a thesaurus, it benefits Barton students in helping to spell tricky words that contain a Schwa, for example.


Just prior to beginning Book 4, you can find this gem on Amazon for quick delivery.  It runs approximately $40.

  SkyWord Tutoring 

Tutoring Services for the Dyslexic Student

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© Karla Kramer SkyWord Tutoring 2020

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