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Orton Gillingham-based, one-on-one reading interventions provided for children age 5 and up, with or without an official dyslexia diagnosis.

That smile. Eager to learn_edited.jpg

"Because literacy is essential to the future success of our children...
and our world."


"One thing we know for certain about dyslexia is that this is one small area of difficulty in a sea of strengths."    Dr. Sally Shaywitz

My Program Offers:

I offer a comprehensive and thorough 
assessment tool that will provide an outline of existing conditions and gives the probability of dyslexic risk.  This is best given at the start of our work together. 
More information here.

Orton Gillingham-based Tutoring Program
I fluently teach using The Barton Reading & Spelling System as well as the Foundations in Sounds Program as needed.  I keep my lessons interesting and enjoyable for kids with a wide variety of educational games and exercises.     

Regular and Consistent Communication 
Communication is key when teaching remotely!  I use the dynamic TutorBird platform that handles things from invoicing, an information portal for emailing printed materials and allowing parents to check in on the calendar and status of things like attendance and regular updates.  

Dyslexia - Common Indicators

Guessing words incorrectly while reading

Reading is choppy, segmented 

Inability to connect letters with sounds naturally

Reports that student has a lower reading level compared to grade norms

Generally dislikes reading

Repeatedly not recognizing a word when it appears again later in a paragraph

Comprehending what is read is challenging due to over-focus on the mechanics of reading

Another  family member is thought to have dyslexia - it has been proven to be hereditary

Reading in Tent
Karla Kramer Dyslexia Tutor
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I believe that dyslexia is a difference, not a disability. 

My name is Karla Kramer.  I am committed to change the game for the 1-in-5 children that are challenged readers due to dyslexia.

The structured, explicit, Orton Gillingham-based program I utilize is successful in creating lovers of reading...because everyone deserves the chance to learn.

Inspiring my students, whether tutoring in-person or online,  to believe in themselves and to know that they are not limited or defined by dyslexia is my goal.  Dyslexia does not affect intelligence, but instead enhances creativity, organizational skills, problem-solving skills and visionary capabilities. 



I have six years of experience as a reading interventionist in the Oregon public school system and have been working specifically with dyslexic students since 2020.


My studio is based in lovely Portland, Oregon.  I offer remote sessions predominantly, however I offer a hybrid schedule for a limited number of local students.


I work with public and private school students.  I can accommodate early to mid-day schedules for homeschooled students as well.

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  SkyWord Tutoring 

Tutoring Services for the Dyslexic Student

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© Karla Kramer SkyWord Tutoring 2020

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